Day 13: Is x This x Real?

Onto the recap:

MTH 416: Welp. I think Hamacher really enjoys my attention to this class, in particular my ability to lead others to answers through rigorous questions. It seems like, at the least, he values my input and my particular style to education. Thus, I think I'll be alright in the class, at least for the current session of work and so I can potentially get another reference later on in the year.

Perch: Why did I spend so much time on this? While I finally understand React more, I really do not want to spend my entire day on stuff like this again. It is a very interesting way to turn websites into OOP code, but it also tends to be rather unintuitive when we compare it to more traditional approaches, such as those featured in pure JS/CSS/HTML code. While it is a good tool, I am still not entirely sold as I have not seen a good reason why this separation really matters, though then again my stuff is rather front end heavy and features little to no back-end ( which I hope to learn soon ).

On to tomorrow!


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