Day 33: A weird day.

Welp. I guess I am not going on certain apps ever again. From computer troubles, to missed clicks, to even just oddities on the normal situation, technology increases the amount of helicopter parenting you see in people, and I guess I am not immune from that. It pains me, as I am pretty sure that I am being watched far harder than I reasonably should be given that I do nothing but study, but what can I even do to mitigate that? Now I just feel crummy and compelled to work because some people told me to, and honestly my frustration from something as simple and stupid as that still has me riled up. I just need to re-affirm my own priorities and remember that I am doing this for myself - and not for people who believe their interest is always in my best interest ( while it frequently is, they do not understand some of the nuances of interactions in today's age, which means I have to balance a knife of privacy trying to do things that are otherwise normal ).


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