6:40 AM, 9/10/19

What a day. I went to EECS485 OH, and they weren't able to help me 100% with my problem, which sucks as I want to know if I fail any test cases. In terms of other work, I do have to say that I just got into the competitive data science team here at UMich, and I hope to do the same with the competitive programming team. These seem like great opportunities and really are things I had wanted to do for awhile, so it works for me!

On another note, MathLab was fun but really tiring. Turns out, helping people for three hours straight can really put a dent into how much energy I had. I'll need to plan to sleep soon after those occur, and perhaps not delay any work till after, as it seems unreasonable to force myself to do anything until I get some semblance of energy back.

Lastly, I do still hope I get into 485. It's just a huge concern of mine that I'll not get into it and be stuck doing 15 credits towards my major instead of 18, so I do hope I'm able to actually take this course.


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