6:10 AM, September 9th, 2019

It's been awhile, hasn't it? Between trying to use less digital means to do this stuff, I've come to realize that I just need to get a really firm grip over myself in order for me to do what I need to do each day. In terms of work, this semester seems like it might be my most daunting one yet: 18+ credits, 2 part time jobs, and the slight complication of research/grad degrees to worry about. I'm sure that my entire mindset will change once my advisor meeting is over with, as I'll be able to better see what's going on in my life, but I'll need to jump that hoop when I get to it, as currently I'm running in the dark, as the degree site is really off, and at the moment information is the key aspect to my existence.

In terms of actual work to do, I have quite a bit that I'll need to think about and plan out today. EECS 388 and Math 289 are cool classes, but I'm just hoping that they'll balance out as soon as my EECS 485 scores come in, as otherwise I'm gonna have a light semester without any sorts of work in it. I'm excited to see, however, that my schedule will be as interesting as always and might be something worth doing in a few weeks, as soon as everything stabilizes.


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