Day 31: Moved the post back a bit, but all good now.

Honestly, yesterday felt rather meh. I feel like I have been trading situations where people actually wanted to be my friend for situations where they use me like a tool, and the worst part is that sometimes I feel as if that was justified. I keep beating myself up for past mistakes while making the current set of mistakes over and over again, to the point where I just feel burned out by it all. I just want friends. but I keep doing everything to make it hard for people to do so. I ... don't know anymore, and I feel as if I don't know anyone anymore.

But, listening to the flowing track, I remember the good as well. I remember those who have supported me throughout the years, and I remember that these feelings will only be temporary if I manage to get my allotted work done. I remember that video games exist, and that there are some things I still wish to play. I remember LibriVox, and remember there are things which I still wish to record. I remember my family, who somehow still support me after all of my life, and I remember the few people who try to get to know me but are unsure how to. Life's not as terrible as I think it is, but it does get quite rough at times for all of us. I just need to grit it and bear it, for there are people who I wish to prove wrong and there are people who I wish to show that I am not a monster after all.


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