Day 30: One milestone down.

Heck yeah. This marks the 30th consecutive blog post I have had since I started, and boy has it been interesting tracking my mindset throughout the month, as I seem to have gotten a lot more serious and a lot more nervous about getting everything done. Today, however, I do have to say one thing: My biggest problem is one of energy. By which, I mean the following:

1. Firstly, I tend to put way too much of my effort into the little things, focusing on doing my best instead of doing what might be best for the class. In other words, I am not working as efficiently as I really should be, working for hours on stuff that should take far less time. I think, however, I 'll continue doing so as I need to do so to maintain quality.

2. Secondly, I tend to put way too little effort into physical fitness. I need to start exercising, as it's important to improve my mindset and to ensure I maintain mid physical form as I go along. I should start small and increase the load little by little - maybe tomorrow I start by simply doing the 7 minute workout? Let's see what happens, but I need to push through and do 30 days of it to see how it improves my life.


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