Day 9: A Good Day

Yet another day of lectures, and surprise, surprise: They were better than last time. It turns out that, due to a quirk in my schedule, the weekly labs I have for 316 make the class end earlier than it normally does. If I couple that with my early EES 280 lab, I end up having more time to work and relax, and a way to breathe on the last day of my week.  Now onto the classes:

Math 217: Pf. Ashley got a substitute, and now I think I will continue with my generally rigorous proof style, just with some minor removals of some of the more painful parts to keep it clear and so they keep my grade up. I think I will enjoy part Bs much more than part As due to my knowledge of the subject, and, now that the first hw has been turned in, I will soon get to see how much I will struggle in this class to get what I desire. We covered the idea of linear transformations and that you can write them as matrices for vectors.

MSE 220: Another really chill class. Today we just covered planar and linear densities, and Wynarski explained how much he hated the book's use of certain terms for MSE math. After carefully reflecting on my previous assertions, I am sure that he is a bit of a softie that wants kids to do MSE, yet did not want kids to suffer from the influx of math. To that end, I can respect his intentions, although I will still try to find the math in the subject as that is more of what I enjoy in it more than anything else ( add one to the "Math Major?" counter ). Now that the first hw assignment is done, the second one is posting, so I shall try to get that done this weekend.

Math 316: As said earlier, there was lab. Lab was good. I need to run mathematica on my laptop / on CAEN and get it finished, but otherwise it was a good way to really understand the fundamental theorem for the existence of solutions to autonomous differential equations, as you got to see how failing the conditions generally lead to multiple solutions to even the simplest of DEQs, a fact which I found really interesting and helped shape my thinking about why we care about these theorems short of for saving our energy.

EECS 280: Not gonna lie, not too impressed with the formality of the lab here. I like the idea of programming labs where students can get extra help and all, but it seems like a good idea in theory yet a meh idea in practice. I think I'll stick to getting other work done and ensuring the rest of my day is less stressful, sticking around to get the occasional exam practice that will help me ace the class.

Lastly, while it was not a class, I just wanted to comment on Math 416's hw. It seems like our teacher really enjoys putting difficult but interesting problems to consider from our textbook, so I am enjoying it all, but I think I will need to review my work carefully and ensure everything both looks and sounds right. Luckily there are many resources online that I have found that should help me without giving any answers away, so I get to learn from the content while shooting for the high grade I desire.


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