Day 2: Math 416 and other Shennanigans

Another day over, and now I have experienced the final class in my register for this semester: Math 416: Randomized Algorithms. Honestly, out of all of the math classes I have taken, I expect this one to be the most challenging and the most interesting that I will have. It claims to be an advanced undergrad mathematics course, then goes around and says it's a Masters Level CS course. Honestly, I just hope we get to cover some interesting content and get to see what will follow from this. However, in order to make this schedule work, I will need to do loads of homework, something I am prepared to do, but I'll need to keep my mental energy up to ensure I can get everything all correct at the end of the day.

Besides 416, I finished my EECS 280 Project 1 today. Overall, Statisics are not terrible to compute, and I just hope that I'll be able to keep my spirits up while I struggle to get all else done in my life, as I spent a solid afternoon on the code and it seemed to require more effort than 151 ( though that makes sense, considering I knew the content from that course well ). I just need to add comments and check for any style concerns with the EECS 280 style checker.

(Next Time: A Rant on Private and Public Test Cases on Programming Courses)


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