
Showing posts from March, 2018

Update for 3/29/17

Objectives: 1. Order stuff for chodge project [ cloud chamber ] 2. Ch. 15 Notes [ Element STDY is important ] 3. USNCO part i (timed) 4. Blog Post 5. Get through 10 JS programming challenges 6. Read a book / Finish a book!    Today was very interesting with respect to literature class. As I do more and more preparation for the essay exams that I need to take for IB exams ( literature and history ), I am seeing that I want to write less and less knowledge in my essays, focusing on the skills and analysis that I have developed more than anything else. Besides the strange focus on original ideas, I was pleasantly surprised when I was actually happy when I finished the literature exam today. Given my conversations with Zach yesterday, there are a few possibilities of this phenomena. Obviously, it all stems from properly enjoying the material, but the question stems from why is this material good material to read, rather than the boring material that I have seen in earlier ...

Update for 3/28/17

Today's Objectives: 1. Study for Lit. Exam [ Memorize and Compile 20 Quotes ] 2. USNCO part i. exam 3. Physics Prep 4. Blog Post on some topic on mp 5. 20-30 minutes of programming 6. Atkins / AP rewrite of solubility rules Thoughts: - Organic chemistry is, in many ways, a sort of "trap" for students. What I mean by this is that, like the so-called "calculus trap" some math students fall into, where higher mathematics is seen to be solely based off of calculus, I wonder if something similar does not happen with organic chemistry as a focus. These sorts of "traps", personally, are a topic of interest for me, as they tend to deter students from entering the entire field due to some given miscommunication between what a field's frontiers are and what a field's actual existence might contain. For example, look at the degree in which we teach calculus to high schoolers. Instead of showing them fields like group theory, graph theory, linear a...

Check In: March 27th, 2017

Today's Objectives: 1. Seven paragraphs for bracket 2. USSR Chart [B,G,K,S] [Key, How, +/-] 3. Stereoisomer NTS 4. Blog Creation 5. Read ch.15-16 and do Notes 6. USNCO part i. exam    Overall, today went well. I managed to finish objectives one and two after waking up at five and getting ready. This fact is pretty awesome, as now I can focus on chemistry for the USNCO. Speaking of USNCO, I am still struggling with the qualitative sections and probably should ask Phillipps tomorrow to see what I need to do. On top of that, I also have a new long-term goal: finish physics prep. I might need to look at the extra work I can do and also figure out what quotes I want to look at for the upcoming literature exam. Besides all of that, I should probably start looking at how to do more each day, as I really should start ramping up the degree of what I do to ensure that I am ready for all of what I need to do ( actually should do some programming as well for Source Code ...